Holodeck 5.1.1: Install Environment

VLC GUI - Deploy Single Site VCF Environment


This section demonstrates the deployment of the VLC-Holo-Site-1 nested VCF 5.1 lab using the VLC GUI. The GUI is a great place to understand the configuration of the Holodeck environment before utilizing the CLI and needing to edit different text files.

NOTE: Deploying the Holodeck configuration using the GUI limits the user to a single site configuration.  The user can deploy VLC-Holo-Site-1 and VLC-Holo-Site-2, but they will not be configured to communicate with each other. The necessary name resolution configuration for dual site configuration is only available when deploying with the command line.


  • The IP address for the ESXi host or vCenter Server instance managing the single host vSphere cluster. 
    • DNS services are not available inside the Holodeck environment until VLC deploys an instance of Cloud Builder. 
    • Multiple host clusters are not supported with the Holodeck tool kit 5.1.1
  • Holo Console 5.1.1 deployed using automation in the Holodeck tool kit.
  • Holo-Router 2.0 deployed in default multisite configuration

Note: This task can only be performed from the Holo-Console deployed inside the environment. Tasks can be carried out by directly accessing the Holo-Console via the ESXi console option, or via RDP to the Holo-Router IP address.


  1. Using the vSphere client, open a console window to the Holo-Console VM created earlier. (Alternatively, the user can connect to Holo-Console using RDP to Holo-Router address)
  2. Login as Administrator with a password of VMware123!
  3. Using Windows File Manager, navigate to C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1
  4. Right click on VLCGui.ps1 and click Run with PowerShell

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  1. Wait for the VLC UI to be displayed.
  2. Click Automated on the VLC UI

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  1. Click on the VCF EMS JSON field

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  1. Select the C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1\Holo-Site-1-vcf-ems-public.json, then click Open

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  1. Enter for the address of the gateway in the Ext GW field (this is the default in the Holodeck environment)
  2. If your lab requires use of DNS other than, enter in Ext DNS (This example uses an internal DNS address of
  3. Click on the input field for CB OVA Location

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  1. Browse to "C:\Cloudbuilder"  and select the appropriate Cloud Builder OVA and click Open

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  1. Add a unique name in the Prefix for VMs field. This allows for easy identification of the resources deployed for a given lab. This example uses the prefix of Holo-A. Best practice naming is use a common letter designator for the physical ESXi host port group, Holo-Console, Holo-Router and VM Prefix. Here we are using Holo-A-Console, Holo-A-Router and VM Prefix Holo-A, all running on port group VLC-A-PG

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  1. If additional hosts are wanted in order to work through process of adding a workload domain or cluster. There are additional JSONs in the "C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1\" folder to create additional ESXi servers to the Build. These hosts will automatically be imported into SDDC manager or they can be automatically created as a new cluster or VI workload domain.
  2. By default Holodeck will deploy with OSA vSAN - if ESA vSAN is desired put a check mark in the "VSAN ESA?" field. Please note this will utilize more memory and will consume storage utilization much faster than OSA.
  3. Check Deploy Edge Cluster
  4. Select Deploy Workload Mgmt?
  5. Select Deploy AVNs
  6. Leave NSX-S-net as default (this is a Holodeck routing construct that will be deprecated in a future release)
  7. Leave Do Bringup? checked

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  1. Enter the IP address of the ESXi host in the Host/VC IP/FQDN field. (note: FQDN cannot be used here. Only IP address.)
  2. Specify the username and password for the ESXi host in the Username and Password fields

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  1. Click the Connect button
  2. Select the port group - In this example VLC-A-PG is used (This should match the port group that the Holo-Console and Holo-Router is connected)
  3. Select the datastore to be used for this deployment (Datastore should have at least 2 TB of free space )

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  1. Click the Validate button
  2. Wait for the validation to complete.  The Validate button will change to a green Construct! button and no fields should change to Yellow. If a field changes to yellow; click on the "<< Back" button and resolve the issue and Re-validate. (VLC/Holodeck can install without a Ext GW but it will cause problems in future labs requiring manual intervention)

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  1. Click Construct!
  2. VLC will begin to deploy the VCF environment. This process takes about three hours

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  1. When complete, VLC will advise the user to press Enter to end the VLC process and provides information on how to access the SDDC Manager UI. Notice that it took right at 3 hours to deploy a complete SDDC.

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VLC CLI - Single Site or Multi Site VCF environment


This guide walks through the deployment of a nested lab on a single ESXi server using VMware Lab Constructor's (VLC) CLI for either a Single Site Environment (VLC-Holo-Site-1) or a Multi-Site Environment (VLC-Holo-Site-1 & VLC-Holo-Site-2) configuration.   The multi-site environment will allow for some advanced use cases including HCX migrations and Aria automation to multiple data centers.

Note: Holodeck 5.1.1 Multi-site requires using the CLI deployment method.


  • The IP address for the ESXi host or vCenter Server instance managing the single host vSphere cluster. 
    • DNS services are not available inside the Holodeck environment until VLC deploys an instance of Cloud Builder. 
    • Multiple host clusters are not supported with the Holodeck tool kit 5.1.1
  • Holo Console 5.1.1 deployed using automation in the Holodeck tool kit.
  • Holo-Router 2.0 deployed in default multisite configuration

Note: This task can only be performed from the Holo-Console deployed inside the environment. Tasks can be carried out by directly accessing the Holo-Console via the ESXi console option, or via RDP to the Holo-Router IP address.

Configure VLC Holodeck configuration file(s)


The Holodeck INI file(s) used for command line mode must be modified with the ESXi server's specific information (i.e. IP, Datastore, PortGroup etc). The examples assume deploying the first site (VLC-Site-1) for named Holo-A1 which runs on port group VLC-A-PG; the second site (VLC-Site-2) would be named Holo-A2, and be connected to port group VLC-A2-PG

Step 1: Open Holodeck INI file(s) for editing

This step uses Notepad++ to configure a site specific Holodeck configuration file. This example delineates the Holodeck standard configuration for Site-1. These exact same instructions can be applied to Site-2 by substituting the appropriate values.

  • On the Holo-Console, use the Windows File Manager to navigate to C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1 (C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-2)
  • Open Holo-A1-511.ini for editing (Holo-A2-511.ini)

Step 2: Configure per site variables

This step configures, the ESXi and site specific variables for the Holodeck Site. In this example, we are configuring Site-1, called Holo-A1. In the standard Holodeck naming scheme, this would peer with Site-2 called Holo-A2. The multi-site construct in Holodeck 5.1.1 is designed to support dual site Aria Auto deployment and VMWare HCX Cloud.

  • nestedVMPrefix: This defines the prefix to be used for all the VMs deployed by within this site.
  • netName: This specifies the name of the port group to be used for this specific site within a Holodeck instance. Each site requires a unique port group. Normal naming standards are similar to VLC-A-PG and VLC-A2–PG
  • ds: Datastore for this Site in a Holodeck instance. Note: building sites in parallel can add significant storage performance impact. Consider different datastores
  • cluster: IP of Single host vSphere cluster. Holodeck 5.1.1 does not support multi host vSphere clusters. Note: FQDN of vCenter Server controlling single host cluster must be added to the holoHosts file to populate windows local hosts on Holo Console


  • esxhost: IP of ESXi host (DNS resolution is not available before cloud builder is deployed.)
  • username: user name for ESXI host or vCenter server. Typically root or administrator@vsphere.local
  • password: This specifies the password for the ESXi host or vCenter Server
  • labDNS: Provide IP of DNS server if is not accessible. This example uses

  • addHostsJson: Defines the file for building additional hosts. In Holodeck 5.1 the first three hosts can be used for further automation. Any additional hosts will be instantiated and ready for host commissioning
  • bringupAfterBuild: Defines whether VLC calls Cloudbuilder API to do automated deployment
  • buildOPS: Defines what VLC does with the first three additional hosts created.



  • deployAVNs: Determines if VLC will create the necessary infrastructure to support Application Virtual Networks. When set to true, Cloudbuilder (acting as the environment's gateway and BGP config) is configured with the necessary iniformation to allow confiiguring of the AVNs to easily be done manually. If "bringupAfterBuild" is also true VLC will call SDDC manager to implement the AVN workflow after VCF has been successfully deployed.
  • deployEdgeCluster: Determines if NSX edge cluster will be deployed in the management domain automatically after successful VCF  deployment. When set to true, Cloudbuilder (acting as the environment's gateway and BGP config) is configured with the necessary information to allow configuring of the edge cluster to easily be done manually. If "bringupAfterBuild" is also true VLC will call SDDC manager and NSX Manager to implement the edge cluster workflow after VCF has been successfully deployed.
  • deployWldMgmt: Determines if Tanzu will be deployed



Note: Rest of file is default Holodeck Site/Environment specific configuration (Do Not Change). All values below ## </Variables set per Holodeck Site> ## should remain default to ensure Holodeck lab exercises operate as expected. The INI file is fully documented to allow users to potentially make changes in their own environment, but currently not supported

Step 3: Save site specific Holodeck INI file

Save the file with a name representing the pod configuration. The name used in this example is Holo-A1-511.ini

NOTE: If deploying a Multi-Site Environment - repeat Steps 1-3 and use the directory and file for Site-2 (C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-2\Holo-A2-511.ini)


Deploy Holodeck Environment using CLI


Once all of the configuration files have been edited with the appropriate site specific information the deployment of the individual sites can proceed. If deploying a multi-site configuration; both Site-1 and Site-2 can deployed at the same time depending on the hardware that is being utilized . If there is any concerns about the hardware, deploy each site serially.  Use the appropriate directory (C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-2) /file (.\Holo-A2-511.ini ) that was edited in the earlier steps for Site-2.

Step 1: Utilize PowerShell to deploy Holodeck Site(s)/Environment

  1. From within the Holo-Console, click on Windows Start Menu-Windows PowerShell-Windows PowerShell  (if deploying multiple sites in parallel each site will need it's own PowerShell window)
  2. Type the following command at the prompt:

cd C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1

  1. Enter the following command:

.\VLCGui.ps1 -isCLI $true -iniConfigFile .\Holo-A1-511.ini   

  1. The deployment will begin and will spawn an additional VLC logging window. The VCF deployment takes approximately three hours to complete depending on hardware.  Please make sure to not "Select" the process window as that can pause the script from running.
  2. The deployment for a site is complete when the message for accessing the SDDC Manager is displayed.  

Note: At this time the environment can be browsed and explored as a fully functional VCF Environment. If planning on utilizing the curated labs guides written for the environment or as a multi-site configuration. Please ensure to complete "Post Deployment Updates" and/or "Multi-Site Environment Prepare Holodeck".


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Multi-Site Environment Only: Prepare the Holo-Router for cross site network connectivity

Multi-Site Environment: Prepare the Holo-Router for cross site network connectivity

Preparing the Holo-Router for cross site network connectivity is optional and only required if you intend to run the secondary site lab exercises. Holodeck Toolkit 5.1.1 supports a multi-site HCX lab as well as the ability for Aria Automation to deploy applications to the second site.  

As mentioned previously the multi-site configuration requires deployment via the CLI


  • VLC-Holo-Site-1 configuration deployed from the Holodeck Standard Main 5.1.1 package using the VLC CLI and included Site-1 INI file with labSKUs=HCXsite1 set
  • VLC-Holo-Site-2 configuration deployed from the Holodeck Standard Main 5.1.1 package using the VLC CLI and included Site-2 INI file with labSKUs=HCXsite2 set
  • Holodeck 5.1 site1_additional_networks.json and site2_additional_networks.json files are available and  unmodified in the VLC conf directory for each site
  • External network access from the Holodeck environment

Step 1: Update Holo-Router

  • From within the Holo-Console, click on Windows Start Menu-Windows PowerShell-Windows PowerShell
  • Type the following command at the prompt:

cd C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1\Holo-Build\MultiSiteSetup

  • Enter the following command:


  1. A SFTP connection will be made to the Holo-Router - There will be a prompt to "Store  key in cache" please answer "Y"
  2. It will then ask for the root password to log into the router -  ("VMware123!" or the new password used during router set up)
  3. A new configuration file to the Holo-Router to enable cross site network connectivity will be put on the router
  4. For new configuration to take effect the Holo-Router will  need to be rebooted
    • In Powershell 
    • On physical ESXi
      • Right click on the Holo-router

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Step 2: Validate new Holo-Router configuration

In order to test that the Holo-Router configuration has been put into place; some simpple ping tests can be run from the console.

  1. Ping

Validate VCF Deployment


  Explore the SDDC Manager interface to quickly check that VCF was fully deployed


  1. From the Holo-Console, open Chrome and click on the Managed bookmarks and select the SDDC Manager

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  1. Acknowledge the security warning by clicking on Advanced followed by Proceed to sddc-manager.vcf.sddc.lab (unsafe)
  2. Acknowledge the second security warning by clicking on Advanced followed by Proceed to vcenter-mgmt.vcf.sddc.lab (unsafe)
  3. Login as the user adminstrator@vsphere.local with the password VMware123!
  4. Uncheck the VMware CEIP box
  5. Verify the page displayed resembles the
  6. On the first time accessing SDDC Manager, you can check “Don’t launch guided setup after login”
  7. Close the Tasks pane
  8. Click on hosts

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  1. Notice the four host VCF Management domain

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Post Deployment Updates

Prepare Enablement for Automation per site


In order to utilize the automation scripts in the labs; to create VM and applications the base Ubuntu OVA needs to be downloaded and the folder structure inside of the management vCenter(s) must be created.

Step 1: Stage Ubuntu OVA

  1. Within Holo-Console, open Chrome
  2. Download the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Daily Build to c:\users\administrator\downloads


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Step 2: Create Holodeck folders VLC-Holo-Site-1

This will set up the folder infrastructure on the vCenter server for Site-1 Management domain that is utilized in the curated labs for Holodeck

  1. On Holo-Console, open a PowerShell window as Administrator
  2. cd to C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-1\Holo-Build\Post-Deployment
  3. Run .\Holodeck-Infrastructure.ps1

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Optional Step 3: Create Holodeck folders VLC-Holo-Site-2

This will set up the folder infrastructure on the vCenter server for Site-2 Management domain that is utilized in the curated labs for Holodeck

  1. On Holo-Console, open a PowerShell window as Administrator
  2. cd to C:\VLC\VLC-Holo-Site-2\Holo-Build\Post-Deployment
  3. Run .\Holodeck-Infrastructure.ps1

Reboot Holo-Console VM

This step is required to clear temporary Holo-Console network routing. After reboot Holo-Console utilizes routing, DNS, NTP, etc from Cloud Builder within the pod.

  1. Using the vSphere Web Client, select the Holo-A-Console and click Restart to reboot the VM.  

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Set FTT=0 on Nested VSAN datastore (Optional)

It is recommended to reduce out of space issues on the nested environment to configure the embedded vSAN to Failures to Tolerate (FTT) equal to 0. As this is a lab environment; running on underlying SSD, it is typically acceptable to reduce redundancy in the nested environment  If disk space is not a concern this task is optional.

  1.  Using the vSphere Web Client, click to expand the menu, then click Policies and Profiles

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  1. Select VM Storage Policies -> vSAN Default Storage Policy -> Edit

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  1. Leave Name and Description as is and click Next
  2. On the vSAN Availability tab, set Failures to Tolerate to No Data Redundancy then click Next

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  1. Click next on Storage Compatibility

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  1. Review setting and click Finish

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  1. Select Now when prompted on Reapply to VM’s, then Yes

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