
Holodeck Pod Deployment


This section details the deployment of the Holo-Console VM. 


The previous tasks must have been completed successfully.

Task 1: Deploy Holo-Console

The following steps are performed to bring up a unique instance of Holo-Console.  These instructions show the deployment of a Holo-Console called Holo-Console-A. As other Holo-Consoles may need to be deployed to support additional Holodeck pods, the names for the Holo-Console VMs will vary.

[Step 1] Deploy Holo-Console

  1. On the vSphere Client, click Virtual Machines Create/Register VM

  1. Select Create a new virtual machine
  2. Click Next
  3. Set VM Name. This example uses the name Holo-A-Console
  4. Set the Guest OS Family to Windows and the Guest OS Version to Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)

  1. Click Next
  2. Select a datastore with sufficient free space to host approximately 200GB available and click Next

  1. For the Network Adapter 1 object, select the port group created earlier for the Holodeck pod. Each Holodeck pod would leverage a different port group and there is only one Holo-Console deployed in each pod.


This example shows the port group configured to use the VLC-A-PG port group.

  1. Expand the settings for the Network Adapter 1 object.
  2. Put a checkmark for the Status to Connect at power on
  3. Set the Adapter Type to VMXNET3

  1. Select the dropdown selection for the CD/DVD Drive 1 object and select Datastore ISO file

  1. Select the Holo-Console-45.iso file uploaded earlier

  1. Put a checkmark for the Status to Connect at power on
  2. Click Next to go to the Ready to Complete page
  3. Click Finish
  4. Click on the newly created VM

  1. Click Power on

  1. Click Console then Open console in new window
  2. The Holo-Console will be deployed and configured automatically. This takes about 30 minutes to complete. The console will reboot several times during setup.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

  1. When finished, the Holo-Console desktop will look like this

  1. Close the Holo-Console VM console window




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