Tanzu Proof of Concept Guide_Prev

POC Guide Overview

This POC Guide is intended to test use cases on both vSphere with Tanzu as well as VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) with Tanzu.

The fastest way to get started with Kubernetes workloads is with vSphere with Tanzu. From vSphere 7 Update 1, Tanzu Kubernetes can be enabled without NSX. In contrast, VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) provides a hybrid cloud platform that allows for an automated deployment of NSX and Tanzu components.

 The advantages from the VCF approach include the ability to scale out quickly and efficiently, providing an enterprise-ready infrastructure deployment model. This, together with the proven technologies of NSX, mean that VCF is the go-to solution for many organizations. 

 However, for smaller environments, or where organizations are not yet ready for a full-scale deployment of a hybrid cloud, the leaner footprint of vSphere with Tanzu may be more appealing. Starting with vSphere 7.0 Update 1, getting a Kubernetes environment within vSphere is now simpler than ever.

vSphere with Tanzu Overview and Setup


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Getting Started


The basic steps and requirements to get started with vSphere with Tanzu are shown below. For more details, please refer to the quick start guide:


 For Kubernetes network services, vSphere with Tanzu allows you to bring your own network solution. Here, we will use the open-source HaProxy solution (for more details visit haproxy.org).

VMware have packaged HaProxy in a convenient OVA format, which can be downloaded and deployed quickly. This is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/haproxytech/vmware-haproxy

 In the simplest configuration, the HA Proxy appliance will need a minimum of two interfaces, one on the ‘Management’ network and the other on a ‘Workload’ network, with a static IP address in each. (An option to deploy with three networks, i.e., with an additional ‘Frontend’ network is also available but is beyond the scope of this guide).

 Below we will go through the basic setup of HaProxy and enabling Workload Management to quickly get started.

 Network Requirements

 In vCenter, configure a DVS with at least two portgroups for ‘Management’ and ‘Workload Network’.

 The following IP addresses are required:

 Management Network:

5x consecutive routable IP addresses for Workload Management, plus one for HaProxy

Workload Network:

For simplicity, one /24 routable network (which will be split into subnets). In the example below, we will use the network with as the gateway.

 HaProxy Configuration

 Download and configure the latest HaProxy OVA from the GitHub site.

 Here, we will use the ‘Default’ configuration, which will deploy the appliance with two network interfaces:


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The two portgroups for Management and Workload Network should be populated with the appropriate values. The Frontend network can be ignored:


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Use the following parameters as a guide, substituting the workload network for your own.


As per the table below, we subnet the Workload network to a /25 for the load-balancer IP ranges in step 3.1. In addition, the HaProxy will require an IP for itself in the workload network.




Permit Root Login



Host Name

<Set a Host Name>



<DNS Server>


Management IP

<IP in Mgmt range>


Management Gateway

<Mgmt Gateway>


Workload IP


Workload Gateway


Load Balancer IP Ranges (CIDR)


Dataplane API Management Port



HaProxy User ID



HaProxy Password

<set a password>


N.B.: Take special care with step 3.1, this must be in CIDR format. Moreover, this must cover the “IP Address Ranges for Virtual Servers” which will be used later to enable Workload Management in vCenter (see below). Note that the vCenter wizard will require the range defined here in a hyphenated format: from the example above, covers the range

TKG Content Library

Before we can start the Workload Management wizard, we need to first setup the TKG Content Library to pull in the TKG VMs from the VMware repository. The vCenter where the TKG content library will be created on should have internet access in order to be able to connect to the repo.

Create a subscribed content library (Menu > Content Libraries > Create New Content Library) pointing to the URL: https://wp-content.vmware.com/v2/latest/lib.json

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For the detailed procedure, see the documentation: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_content_library



Configure Workload Management


After the HaProxy appliance has been configured successfully, log into it using SSH. List the contents of the file /etc/haproxy/ca.crt, which will be used in the steps below.


In vCenter, ensure that DRS and HA are enabled and a storage policy for the control plane VMs exists. In a vSAN environment, the default vSAN policy can be used.


Navigate to Menu > Workload Management to start the wizard. Below we’ll focus on the networking steps (for further details, see the Quick Start guide):


Use the following as a guide, again, replacing values for your own:


5. Load Balancer:

Name*: lb1
Type: HA Proxy
Data plane API Address(s): <HaProxy mgmt IP>:5556
Username: admin
Password: <password from haproxy appliance>
IP Address Ranges for Virtual Servers^:–
Server Certificate Authority: <contents of the file /etc/haproxy/ca.crt>


* Note that this is a Kubernetes construct, not the DNS name of the HaProxy appliance.
^ This must be within the CIDR range defined in step 3.1 of the HaProxy configuration


6. Management Network:

Network: <mgmt port group>
Starting IP: <first IP of consecutive range>
Subnet: <mgmt subnet>
Gateway: <management gateway>
DNS: <dns server>
NTP: <ntp server>


7. Workload Network:

Name: <any you choose>
Port Group: <workload port group>
IP Address Ranges*:–


* These must not overlap with the load-balancer addresses



For more details, the Quick Start guide will guide you through the detailed setup and configuration of both the HaProxy appliance and the vSphere configuration.



VCF with Tanzu Overview and Setup


VCF utilizes NSX to provide enterprise-class networking with automated workflows to deploy at scale. NSX provides a container plug-in (NCP) that interfaces with Kubernetes to automatically serve networking requests (such as ingress and load balancer) from NSX Manager. For more details on NCP, visit: https://via.vmw.com/ncp.

For a detailed description on networking in a Tanzu requirements see: https://via.vmw.com/tkc-networking


In addition, VCF with Tanzu provides two further elements: ‘vSphere Pods’ and a built-in vSphere registry based on Harbor. The vSphere Pod service enables services from VMware and partners to run directly on top of ESXi hosts, providing a performant, secure and tightly integrated Kubernetes environment.


For more details on vSphere Pods see https://via.vmw.com/vsphere_pods and https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2020/04/vsphere-7-vsphere-pod-service.html



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Once the VCF environment with SDDC manager has been deployed (see https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Foundation/index.html for more details), Workload Management can be enabled. Note that both standard and consolidated deployments can be used.



Getting Started


A detailed step-by-step guide can be found in the VCF POC Guide. First, in SDDC Manager, click on Solutions, this should show “Kubernetes – Workload Management”. Click on Deploy and this will show a window with the deployment pre-requisites, i.e.:


  • Hosts are licensed correctly
  • An NSX-T based Workload Domain has been provisioned
  • NSX Edge cluster deployed with a ‘large’ form factor
  • The following IP addresses have been reserved for use:
    • non-routable /22 subnet for pod networking
    • non-routable /24 subnet for Kubernetes services
    • two routable /27 subnets for ingress and egress
    • 5x consecutive IP addresses in the management range for Supervisor services



Clicking on Begin will start the Kubernetes deployment wizard.


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Select the appropriate cluster from the drop-down box. Click on the radio button next to the compatible cluster and click on Next.


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The next screen will go through some validation checks


Check that the validation succeeds. After clicking on Next again, check the details in the final Review window:


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Click on Complete in vSphere to continue the wizard in vCenter


Ensure the correct cluster has been pre-selected:


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After clicking on Next, select the desired control plane size.


Click on Next to show the Workload Management section:


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To show the Storage section, click on Next. Select the appropriate storage policies for the control plane, ephemeral disks and image cache:


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Click on Next to show the review window. Clicking on Finish will start the supervisor deployment process:


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For an interactive guide of the steps above, visit Tech Zone



TKG Content Library


To later setup Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters, we need to first setup the TKG Content Library to pull in the TKG VMs from the VMware repository.


Create a subscribed content library (Menu > Content Libraries > Create New Content Library) pointing to the URL: https://wp-content.vmware.com/v2/latest/lib.json


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For the detailed procedure, see the documentation: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_content_library


Supervisor Cluster Operations


After the process has been completed, navigate to Cluster > Monitor > Namespaces > Overview to ensure the correct details are shown and the health is green. Note that whilst the operations are in progress, there may be ‘errors’ shown on this page, as it is monitoring a desired state model:



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Configure Supervisor Cluster Namespace(s) with RBAC

Once the supervisor cluster has been configured, a namespace should be created in order to set permissions, storage policies, and capacity limitations among others. In Kubernetes, a namespace is a collection of resources such as containers, disks, etc.


To create a namespace, navigate to Menu > Workload Management > Click on Namespaces > New Namespace. Fill in the necessary fields and click create.


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The new namespace area will be presented. This is where permissions, storage policies and other options can be set.


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After clicking “Got It” button, the summary will show a widget where permissions can be set.


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Click on Add Permissions and fill in the necessary fields. It is important to note that the user/group to be added to this namespace should have already been created ahead of time. This can be an Active Directory user/group (see  https://via.vmw.com/ad_setup) or ‘vsphere.local’:


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After adding permission, the summary screen will show who has permissions and what type. Clicking the Manage Permissions link will take you to the Permissions tab for this namespace


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From the permissions tab, you can add/remove/edit permissions for a particular namespace. Thus, here we can enable access for a developer to be able to consume the namespace.


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Configure Supervisor Cluster Namespace(s) Storage Policy

First, configure any storage policies as needed, either by defining a VM storage policy (as is the case for vSAN) or by tagging an existing datastore. Note that vSAN comes with a default storage policy ‘vSAN Default Storage Policy’ that can be used without any additional configuration.


To create a VM storage policy, navigate to Menu > Policies and Profiles > VM Storage Policies and click on ‘Create’. Follow the prompts for either a vSAN storage policy or tag-based policy under “Datastore Specific rules”.

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Once a Policy has been created, navigate back to the namespace and click on ‘add storage’


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Select the appropriate storage policy to add to the namespace:


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Configure Supervisor Cluster Namespace(s) with Resource Limitations


Resource limitations such as CPU, memory, and storage can be tied to a namespace. Under the namespace, click on the Configure tab and select Resource Limits.



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By clicking on the edit button, resources can be limited for this specific Namespace. Resource limitations can also be set at the container level.


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Note that under the Configure tab, it is also possible to limit objects such as Replica Sets, Persistent Volume Claims (PVC), and network services among others.


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Kubernetes Operations


Whilst many of the operations in this guide can be performed on a standard end-user laptop (be it Windows, MacOS or Linux), it is a good idea to deploy a jump host VM, which has the tools and configuration ready to work with. A Linux VM is recommended.


Conveniently, there is a TKG Demo Appliance fling that we can leverage for our purposes. Download and deploy the OVA file from the link below (look for the ‘offline download’ of the TKG Demo Appliance OVA): https://via.vmw.com/tkg_demo


Once a namespace has been created (see steps above), a command-line utility (kubectl-vsphere) needs to be downloaded to be able to login to the namespace. First, navigate to the namespace in vCenter: Menu > Workload Management > Namespace then select ‘Copy link’:


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This will provide the VIP address needed to login to the namespace. Make a note of this address. Then on your jump VM, download the zip file ‘vsphere-plugin.zip’, either using a browser or via wget, pointing to https://<VIP>/wcp/plugin/linux-amd64/vsphere-plugin.zip


For example:



# wget --no-check-certificate



Unzip this file and place the contents in the system path (such as /usr/local/bin). The zip file contains two files, namely kubectl and kubectl-vsphere.


To log into a namespace on the supervisor cluster, issue the following command, replacing the VIP IP with your own:



# kubectl vsphere login --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify



Use the credentials of the user added to the namespace to login.


Note that the ‘insecure’ option needs to be specified unless the appropriate TLS certificates have been installed on the jump host. For more details see: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_tls


Once logged in, perform a quick check to verify the health of the cluster using ‘kubectl cluster-info’:


# kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

Shell Tweaks (optional)


In order to have a better experience (less typing and mistakes) it’s advisable to create an alias to kubectl and setup autocomplete. The details below are for a *nix/bash environment.


For autocomplete:


# source <(kubectl completion bash)

# echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc


To set the alias of kubectl to just ‘k’:


# echo "alias k='kubectl'" >> ~/.bashrc


For more details and other settings, see the kubectl cheat sheet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/



Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster (TKC) Deployment

Once the supervisor cluster has been enabled, and a namespace created (as above), we can create an upstream-compliant Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster (TKC). This is done by applying a manifest on the supervisor cluster which will define how the cluster is setup.


First, login to the supervisor namespace using ‘kubectl vsphere login’ as above. If necessary, use the ‘kubectl config use-context’ command to switch to the correct supervisor namespace.


To get the contexts available (the asterisk shows the current context used):


# kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME             CLUSTER           AUTHINFO             NAMESPACE
*    dev@vsphere.local
          ns01       dev@vsphere.local    ns01


 And to switch between them:

 # kubectl config use-context ns01
Switched to context "ns01".


If we have setup our TKC content library correctly, we should be able to see the downloaded VM images:


# kubectl get vmimage
NAME                     VERSION                           OSTYPE
vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd   v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd    vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c   v1.17.7+vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c    vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7   v1.16.12+vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7   vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466   v1.17.8+vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466    vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.ada4837   v1.16.14+vmware.1-tkg.1.ada4837   vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.c40d30d   v1.18.5+vmware.1-tkg.1.c40d30d    vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.1.15f1e18   v1.17.11+vmware.1-tkg.1.15f1e18   vmwarePhoton64Guest
vmware.1-tkg.2.ad3d374   v1.17.11+vmware.1-tkg.2.ad3d374   vmwarePhoton64Guest


We can also see the available Kubernetes versions using the ‘kubectl get tanzukubernetesreleases’ command, or using the shorthand ‘tkr


# kubectl get tkr
NAME                                VERSION                          CREATED
v1.16.12---vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7   1.16.12+vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7   28d
v1.16.14---vmware.1-tkg.1.ada4837   1.16.14+vmware.1-tkg.1.ada4837   28d
v1.16.8---vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd    1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd    28d
v1.17.11---vmware.1-tkg.1.15f1e18   1.17.11+vmware.1-tkg.1.15f1e18   28d
v1.17.11---vmware.1-tkg.2.ad3d374   1.17.11+vmware.1-tkg.2.ad3d374   8d
v1.17.7---vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c    1.17.7+vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c    28d
v1.17.8---vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466    1.17.8+vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466    28d
v1.18.5---vmware.1-tkg.1.c40d30d    1.18.5+vmware.1-tkg.1.c40d30d    22d


Thus, versions from 1.16.8 through to 1.17.11 are available to use.



We then need to create a manifest to deploy the TKC VMs. An example manifest is shown below, this will create a cluster in the ns01 supervisor namespace called ‘tkgcluster1’ consisting of one control-plane and three worker-nodes, with the Kubernetes version 1.17.8:



apiVersion: run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  name: tkgcluster1
  namespace: ns01
    version: v1.17.8
    count: 1
    class: guaranteed-small
    storageClass: vsan-default-storage-policy
    count: 3
    class: guaranteed-small
    storageClass: vsan-default-storage-policy



Let’s dissect this manifest to examine the components:


manifest to examine the components


A: These lines specify the API version and the kind; these should not be modified. To get the available API version for Tanzu, run ‘kubectl api-versions | grep tanzu’.

B: Tanzu Kubernetes cluster name is defined in the field ‘name’ and the supervisor namespace is defined in the ‘namespace’ field.

C: The K8s version (v1.17.8) is defined. This will depend on the downloaded TKG VMs from the content library. Use the command ‘kubectl get tkr’ to obtain the available versions.

D: The created VMs will use the ‘guaranteed-small’ profile, for more details on the sizing see: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_vm_classes

E: Storage policy to be used by the control plane VMs


For clarity, some fields have been omitted (the defaults will be used). For a full list of parameters, refer to the documentation: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_params and further manifest file examples: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_yaml


Once this file has been created, use kubectl to start the deployment, for example, we create a manifest file called ‘TKG-deploy.yaml’ and apply:


kubectl apply -f TKG-deploy.yaml


The supervisor cluster will create the required VMs and configure the TKC as needed. This can be monitored using the get and describe verbs on the ‘tkc’ noun, for example:


# kubectl get tkc -o wide
tkgcluster1   1               1      v1.17.8+vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466   28d   running



# kubectl describe tkc
Name:         tkgcluster1
Namespace:    ns01
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  API Version:  run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
Kind:         TanzuKubernetesCluster
Node Status:
    tkgcluster1-control-plane-jznzb:            ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-g8qjq:  ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-jqzn4:  ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-kshrt:  ready
  Phase:                                        running
  Vm Status:
    tkgcluster1-control-plane-jznzb:            ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-g8qjq:  ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-jqzn4:  ready
    tkgcluster1-workers-fl7x8-59849ddbb-kshrt:  ready
Events:                                         <none>


For more verbose output and to watch the cluster being built out, select yaml as the output with the ‘-w’ switch:


# kubectl get tkc -o yaml -w
    tkc-1-control-plane-lvfdt: notready
    tkc-1-workers-fxspd-894697d7b-nz682: pending
  phase: creating
    tkc-1-control-plane-lvfdt: ready
    tkc-1-workers-fxspd-894697d7b-nz682: pending


In vCenter, we can see the TKC VMs being created (as per the manifest) within the supervisor namespace:




Once provisioned, we should be able to see the created VMs in the namespace:


# kubectl get wcpmachines
NAME                                    PROVIDERID          IPADDR
tkgcluster1-control-plane-scsz5-2dr55   vsphere://42107544
tkgcluster1-workers-tjpzq-gkdn2         vsphere://421019aa
tkgcluster1-workers-tjpzq-npw88         vsphere://421055cf
tkgcluster1-workers-tjpzq-vpcwx         vsphere://4210d90c


Once the TKC has been created, login to it by using ‘kubectl vsphere’ with the following options:


# kubectl vsphere login –server=<VIP> \
--insecure-skip-tls-verify \
--tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace=<supervisor namespace> \
--tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name=<TKC name>


For example:


# kubectl-vsphere login --server= \
--insecure-skip-tls-verify \
--tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace=ns01 \



Login using the user/credentials assigned to the namespace. You can then change contexts between the TKC and the supervisor namespace with the ‘kubectl config’ command (as above).




See the documentation to grant developer access to the cluster: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_rbac


This is also a requirement for some app deployments.  A basic RBAC profile is shown below (this can be applied as-is to enable access for the administrator@vsphere.local account):



apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: all:psp:privileged
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: psp:privileged
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Group
  name: system:serviceaccounts
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io


App Deployment and Testing

Deploy Kuard to verify setup


A very basic test to see if the K8s cluster is operational is to deploy KUARD (Kubernetes Up and Running)


Use the commands below to pull the KUARD image and assign an IP to it. (HaProxy will serve the IP from the workload subnet):


# kubectl run --restart=Never --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:blue kuard
# kubectl expose pod kuard --type=LoadBalancer --name=kuard --port=8080


Once deployed, we can list the external IP assigned to it using the ‘get service’ command:


# kubectl get service
kuard LoadBalancer 8080:30243/TCP 6s

Therefore, opening a browser to the ‘External-IP’ on port 8080, i.e. should give us a webpage showing the KUARD output:

 Demo Application Version v0.10.0-blue



Deploy Octant (optional)


Octant is a highly extensible Kubernetes management tool that, amongst many other features, allows for a graphical view of the Kubernetes environment. This is useful in a PoC environment to see the relationship between the different components. See https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/octant for more details.


If the TKG Demo Appliance is being used, Octant is already installed. Otherwise, download and install Octant, as described in the Octant getting started page:



Launch Octant simply by the command ‘Octant’:


# octant &



Open an SSH tunnel port 7777 of the jump host –


For instance, from a Mac terminal:


$ ssh -L 7777: -N -f -l root <jump host IP>



Or Windows, using putty -- navigate to Connection > SSH > Tunnels on the left panel. Enter ‘7777’ for the source port and ‘’ as the destination. Then click on ‘add’ and open a session to the jump host VM:

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Thus, if we open a browser to (note http not https) we can see the Octant console:

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Persistent Volume Claims (PVC)


To create a PVC, first we need to map any storage policies (defined in vCenter) we wish to use to the supervisor namespace.


First, create the storage policy in vCenter, under Menu > Policies and Profiles > VM Storage Policies. Note the convention of using lowercase names:


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Then add them to the namespace by clicking on ‘Edit Storage’



Select any additional storage policies. In the example below, we add the new ‘raid-1’ policy:

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To list all of the available storage classes, we run:


# kubectl get storageclass
raid-1   csi.vsphere.vmware.com   Delete          Immediate           true  



We can then create a PVC using a manifest. In the example below, we create a 2Gi volume:



apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: block-pvc-r1-2g
  storageClassName: raid-1
  - ReadWriteOnce
  storage: 2Gi



Then apply this:


# kubectl apply -f 2g-block-r1.yaml


To see the details:


# kubectl get pvc
block-pvc-r1-2g     Bound    pvc-0a612267  2Gi        RWO            raid-1 



Now we have a volume, we can create attach this to a pod. In the example below, we create a pod using Busybox and mount the volume created above:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: simple-pod
    name: simple-pod
    image: "k8s.gcr.io/busybox"
    name: block-vol
    mountPath:  "/mnt/volume1"
  command:  [ "sleep", "1000000" ]
    name: block-vol
    claimName: block-pvc-r1-2g



Once the pod has been created, we can examine the storage within it.


First, we run a shell on the pod:


# kubectl exec -it simple-pod -- /bin/sh


Using the df command, we can see the volume has been attached and is available for consumption:


# df -h /mnt/volume1/
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use%  Mounted on
/dev/sdb                  1.9G      6.0M      1.8G   0%  /mnt/volume1



Furthermore, we can see the PVCs created by a Kubernetes admin in vCenter by navigating to either Datacenter > Container Volumes or Cluster > Monitor > Container Volumes:

Container Volumes


Clicking on the square next to the volume icon shows more information about the PVC and where it is used. From our example, we see the guest cluster, the pod name “simple pod” and the PVC name given in the manifest:


Container Provider

 Kubernetes Object

 Kubernetes Object

Clicking on Physical Placement shows (as we are using a vSAN store) the backing vSAN details:

Physical Placement



We can also see details of the PVC in vCenter under Cluster > Namespaces > Namespace > Storage > Persistent Volume Claims:

 Persistent Volume Claims

Here, we can see more details – specifically Kubernetes parameters, if we click on ‘View YAML’:




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Wordpress & MySQL app

The Kubernetes documentation has a practical example on using PVCs using WordPress and MySQL:



However, the PVC claims in example manifests do not include a storage policy (which is required for the PVC to be created). To successfully deploy this app, we must either add a default storage policy into our TKC manifest or edit the manifests to define a storage policy.


Follow the steps on the demo page, taking note of the following:


  1. Ensure that an TKC RBAC profile has been applied to the cluster
  2. Create a new directory on the jump VM
  3. Generate the kustomization.yaml file with a password
  4. Download the two manifest files for mySQL and Wordpress using curl
  5. Add the two files to the kustomization.yaml as shown
  6. Follow one of the two options below to satisfy the storage policy requirement. (For the quickest solution, copy and paste the awk line in option 2)


Option 1: Edit the TKC manifest

Here, we will define a default storage policy ‘defaultClass’ for our TKC cluster. First change context to the Supervisor namespace. In the example below, this is ‘ns01’:


# kubectl config use-context ns01


Then edit the tkc manifest for your TKG cluster, for instance:


# kubectl edit tkc/tkgcluster1



Add the following lines under spec/settings:


   defaultClass: <storage policy>



For example, we add the ‘vsan-default-storage-policy’:


    fullVersion: v1.17.8+vmware.1-tkg.1.5417466
    version: v1.17.8
        name: antrea
      serviceDomain: cluster.local
      defaultClass: vsan-default-storage-policy



For more details on editing the TKC manifest, see the documentation: https://via.vmw.com/tanzu_update_manifest

Option 2: Edit the app manifest files

Add the following line to the two manifest files after the line ‘- ReadWriteOnce


storageClassName: <storage policy>



For example:


   - ReadWriteOnce  
 storageClassName: vsan-default-storage-policy



We could also use a script to add this line in to both files. For example, using awk:


# for x in $(grep -l 'app: wordpress' *); do awk '/ReadWriteOnce/{print;print " storageClassName: vsan-default-storage-policy";next}1' $x >> $x; done




After the storage policy has been set, run the following command within the directory:


kubectl apply -k ./


Once the manifests are applied, we can see that the PVC has been created:


# kubectl get pvc
NAME              STATUS   VOLUME     CAPACITY   ACCESS    STORAGECLASS                 
mysql-pv-claim    Bound    pvc-6d9d   20Gi       RWO       vsan-default-storage-policy  
wp-pv-claim       Bound    pvc-1906   20Gi       RWO       vsan-default-storage-policy


The external IP can be obtained from the service ‘wordpress’:


# kubectl get services wordpress
NAME        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S) 
wordpress   LoadBalancer   80:31840/TCP



Putting that IP (in this case into a browser should give the WordPress setup page:


WordPress setup page



Also, in vCenter, we can see that the PVC volumes have been tagged with the application name:


App Wordpress


Delete Operations

Destroy TKC and related objects


In order to delete a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster, first switch to the namespace where the cluster is located. Visually, this can be done from vCenter


# kubectl config use-context <workload name>



Check the namespace you are working with. A star next to the name states the currently selected context


# kubectl config get-contexts


See which TKC cluster(s) reside in the selected context


# kubectl get tkc


TKC cluster(s)


Prior to deletion, conduct a search for tkc-2 within the vCenter search field to see all related objects with such TKC


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To the delete TKC with the name tkc-2 in this case, can be done by running the following command:


# kubectl delete tkc tkc-2


vCenter will have tasks regarding the deletion of the TKC cluster and all related objects


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To check deletion is completed:


# kubectl get tkc


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From vCenter, conduct another search for tkc-2


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Delete Namespaces


You can easily delete Namespaces from vCenter UI.



To delete namespaces from the UI, navigate to Menu > Workload Management > Namespaces click on the namespace and click remove


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Delete deployed Supervisor Cluster, confirm resources are released


The supervisor cluster gets deleted when you disable Workload Management for a specific cluster. This action will also delete any existing Namespaces and TKC clusters that exists within this cluster. Proceed with caution when disabling Workload Management for a cluster.


You can first verify the supervisor cluster member by using the following command:


# kubeclt get nodes


From vCenter, use the search field to look for Supervisor. This will return the supervisor VMs. You can add the DNS Name field and compare this with the output from the kubeclt get nodes command.


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Once you have verified the supervisor cluster, you can delete this cluster and all other objects within this cluster by going to Menu > Workload Management > Select Clusters tab > Select the cluster to be deleted > Click DISABLE to remove the cluster and all of its objects


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In this case you can see there is a namespace in place. There is also a TCK cluster.


You will receive a confirmation prompt prior to continuing with the deletion task.


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Once you select the check box and click Disable, you will see some tasks such as powering off the TCK workers, deleting these virtual machines, deleting related folders, and lastly shutting down and deleting the Supervisor Cluster VMs.


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When the tasks complete, the clusters tab will no longer have the previously selected cluster and you will not be able to connect to it via kubeclt as the cluster no longer exists.


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Monitor Namespaces, and K8s Objects resource utilization (vCenter)


Resource monitoring is an important aspect of managing a Tanzu environment. As part of the integration, monitoring namespaces and Kubernetes objects resource utilization is possible through vCenter.


At the cluster level, it is possible to monitor the different namespaces that exist within the vCenter. The overview pane provides a high-level view of the health, Kubernetes version and status, as well as the Control Plane IP and node health.


Navigate to Cluster>Monitor>Namespaces>Overview


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Under the compute tab for the namespace, the resources for Tanzu Kubernetes as well as Virtual Machines display key information about the environment such as version, IP address, phase, etc.


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For the Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters, the monitor tab also provides specific insights to the particular TKG Cluster. Information such as performance overview, tasks and evets, as well as resource allocation helps the admin understand the state and performance of the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.


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