vSphere 8.0 U1 esxcli Storage Commands

vSphere 8

esxcli Storage Commands



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storage core adapter list List all the SCSI Host Bus Adapters on the system. --help Show the help message.
storage core adapter rescan Rescan SCSI HBAs to search for new Devices, remove DEAD paths and update path state. This operation will also run a claim operation equivalent to the claim rule run command and a filesystem rescan.

--adapter | -A
Select the adapter to use when scanning SCSI adapters. This must be a SCSI HBA name as shown in the adapter list command. This cannot be used with the --all option --all | -a
Indicate the rescan should rescan all adapters instead of a specific one.
--skip-claim | -S
By default after an add operation a claiming session isrun to find new devices and have them be claimed by the appropriate Multipath Plugin. Passing this flag will skip that claiming session.
--skip-fs-scan | -F
This option is deprecated as no filesystem scan is performed by default
--type | -t
Specify the type of rescan to perform. Available types are:

add: Perform rescan and only add new devices, if any. all: Perform rescan and do all operations (this is the default action.)

delete: Perform rescan and only delete DEAD devices.

update: Rescan existing paths only and update path states.


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storage core adapter stats get List the SCSI stats for the SCSI Host Bus Adapters in the system.

--adapter | -a

Limit the stats output to one adapter


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storage core claiming autoclaim Control the automatic PSA (path/device) claiming code allowing the disabling of the automatic claiming process or re-enabling of the claiming process if it was previously disabled. By default the automatic PSA claiming process is on and should not be disabled by users unless specifically instructed to do so.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI, all].


Set the autoclaiming enabled state for a givenPSA plugin type in the VMkernel. Default is to have this process enabled. This should not be changed by users unless specifically instructed to do so. (required)

--wait | -w

If the --wait flag is provided then the autoclaim enable will wait for paths to 'settle' before running the claim operation. This means that the system is reasonably sure that all paths on the system have appeared before enabling autoclaim.


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storage core claiming reclaim Attempt to unclaim all paths to a device and then run the loaded claimrules on each of the paths unclaimed to attempt to reclaim them.

--device | -d

Reclaim requires the name of a device on which all paths will be unclaimed and then reclaimed. (required)


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storage core claiming unclaim 1) Unclaim a path or set of paths, disassociating them from a PSA plugin. NOTES: It is normal for path claiming to fail especially when unclaiming by plugin or adapter. Only inactive paths with no I/O will be able to be unclaimed. Typically the ESXi USB partition and devices with VMFS volumes on them will not be unclaimable. Also NOTE unclaiming will not persist and periodic path claiming will reclaim these paths in the near future unless claim rules are configured to mask the path. 2) Detach a (set of) filter(s) from one or more devices.

--adapter | -A

If the --type paramter is 'location' this value indicates the name of the host bus adapter for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths from all adapters.

--channel | -C

If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI channel number for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any channel number.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter].

--device | -d

If the --type parameter is 'device' attempt to unclaim all paths to a specific device (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim.

--driver | -D

If the --type parameter is 'driver' attempt to unclaim all paths provided by a specific HBA driver.

--lun | -L

If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any Logical Unit Number.

--model | -m

If the --type parameter is 'vendor' attempt to unclaim all paths to devices with specific model info (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim.

--path | -p

If the --type parameter is 'path' attempt to unclaim a specific path given its path UID or runtime name.

--plugin | -P

If the --type parameter is 'plugin' attempt to unclaim all paths on for a given multipath plugin OR all devices attached to a filter plugin.

--target | -T

If the --type paramter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI target number for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any target number.

--type | -t

Indicate the type of unclaim you wish to perform. Valid values for this paramter are [location, path, driver, device, plugin, vendor] (required)

--vendor | -v

If the --type parameter is 'vendor' attempt to unclaim all paths to devices with specific vendor info (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim.


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storage core claimrule add Add a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.

--adapter | -A

Indicate the adapter of the paths to use in this operation.

--autoassign | -u

The system will auto assign a rule id.

--channel | -C

Indicate the channel of the paths to use in this operation.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI].

--device | -d

Indicate the Device Uid to use for this operation.

--driver | -D

Indicate the driver of the paths to use in this operation.

--force | -f

Force claim rules to ignore validity checks and install the

rule anyway.


Execute this command if this advanced user variable is not set to 1

--iqn | -i

Indicate the iSCSI Qualified Name for the target to use in this operation.

--lun | -L

Indicate the LUN of the paths to use in this operation.

--model | -M

Indicate the model of the paths to use in this operation.

--plugin | -P

Indicate which PSA plugin to use for this operation. (required)

--rule | -r

Indicate the rule ID to use for this operation.

--target | -T

Indicate the target of the paths to use in this operation.

--transport | -R

Indicate the transport of the paths to use in this operation. Valid Values are: [block, fc, iscsi, iscsivendor, ide, sas, sata, usb, parallel, unknown]

--type | -t

Indicate which type of matching used for claim/unclaim or claimrule. Valid values are: [vendor, location, driver, transport, device, target] (required)

--vendor | -V

Indicate the vendor of the paths to user in this operation.


Indicate the World-Wide Node Number for the target to use in this operation.


Indicate the World-Wide Port Number for the target to use in this operation.

--xcopy-max-transfer-size | -m

Maximum transfer size in MB to use for XCOPY commands if admin wants to use a transfer size different than array reported. This option only takes effect when --xcopy-use-array- values is specified.

--xcopy-use-array-values | -a

Use array reported values for XCOPY commands.

--xcopy-use-multi-segs | -s

Use multiple segments for XCOPY commands. This option only takes effect when --xcopy- use-array-values is specified.


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storage core claimrule convert

Convert ESX 3.x style /adv/Disk/MaskLUNs LUN masks to Claim Rule format.

WARNING: This conversion will not work for all input MaskLUNs variations! Please inspect the list of generated claim rules carefully, then if the suggested LUN mask claim rules are correct use the --commit parameter to write the list to the config file.

--commit | -C

Force LUN mask config changes to be saved. If this parameter is omitted, config file changes will not be saved.


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storage core claimrule list List all the claimrules on the system.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI, all].


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storage core claimrule load Load path claiming rules from config file into the VMkernel.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI, all].


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storage core claimrule move Move a claimrule from one rule id to another

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI].

--new-rule | -n

Indicate the new rule id you wish to apply to the rule given by the --rule parameter. (required)

--rule | -r

Indicate the rule ID to use for this operation. (required)


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storage core claimrule remove Delete a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter, VAAI].

--plugin | -P

Indicate the plugin to use for this operation.

--rule | -r

Indicate the rule ID to use for this operation.


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storage core claimrule run Execute path claiming rules.

--adapter | -A

If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the name of the host bus adapter for the paths you wish to run claim rules on. This parameter can be omitted to indicate claim rules should be run on paths from all adapters.

--channel | -C

If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI channel number for the paths you wish to run claim rules on. This parameter can be omitted to indicate claim rules should be run on paths with any channel number.

--claimrule-class | -c

Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter].

--device | -d

Indicate the Device Uid to use for this operation.

--lun | -L

If the --type parameter is 'location,' this value indicates the value of the SCSI Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the paths you wish to run claim rules on. This parameter can be omitted to indicate claim rules should be run on paths with any Logical Unit Number.

--path | -p

If the --type parameter is 'path' this value indicates the unique path identifier (UID) or the runtime name of a path which you wish to run claim rules on.

--target | -T

If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI target number

for the paths you wish to run claim rules on. This parameter can be omitted to indicate claim rules should be run on paths with any target number.

--type | -t

Indicate the type of claim run you wish to perform. By default, the value of 'all' will be used indicating you wish to run claim rules without restricting the run to specific paths or SCSI addresses. Valid values for this parameter are [location, path, device, all]

--wait | -w

If the --wait flag is provided then the claim command will wait until device registration has completed to return. This option is only valid when used with the

--all option.


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storage core device list List the devices currently registered with the PSA.

--device | -d

Filter the output of this command to only show a single device.

--exclude-offline | -o

If set this flag will exclude the offline devices

--pe-only | -p

If set this flag will list the mount points of pe type.


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storage core device set Provide control to allow a user to modify a SCSI device's state.

--data-integrity-enabled | -I

Enable / Disable device data integrity 0 -> Protection disabled 1 -> Protection enabled. Please refer to ESX release notes for more information.

--default-name | -D

Set the default display name for the device. If there is an existing user defined name it will be changed.

--device | -d

The device upon which to operate. This can be any of the UIDs that a device reports. (required)

--force | -f

Force the device state to be set.

--led-duration | -L

Set the duration of LED in seconds. If not specified, use maximum duration that hardware can support.

--led-state | -l

Set the disk LED state. Valid values are: error: Turn on error LED. locator: Turn on locator LED. off: Turn off LED.

--max-queue-depth | -m

Set device's max queue depth.

--name | -n

The new name to assign the given device.

--no-persist | -N

Set device state non-persistently; state is lost after reboot.

--queue-full-sample-size | -s

Set device's queue full sample size. IO samples to monitor for detecting non-transient queue full condition. Should be non-zero to enable queue depth throttling.

--queue-full-threshold | -q

Set device's queue full threshold. BUSY or QFULL threshold, upon which LUN queue depth will be throttled. Should be <= queue-full- sample-size if throttling is enabled.

--sched-num-req-outstanding | -O

Set number of outstanding IOs with competing worlds.


Set the SCSI device state for the specific device given. Valid values are :

off: Set the device's state to OFF.

on: Set the device's state to ON.

--write-cache-enabled | -w

Set device's write cache state.


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storage core device setconfig Set device configuration


Mark device as detached.

--device | -d

The device upon which to operate. This can be any of the UIDs that a device reports. (required)


Mark device as perennially reserved.


Mark device as not shared clusterwide.


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storage core device detached list Lists all devices that were detached manually by changing their state on the system.

--device | -d

Filter the output of the command to limit the output to a specific device.


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storage core device detached remove Provide control to allow a user to remove Detached devices from the persistent detached device list.

--all | -a

If set, all devices will be removed from the Detached Device List.

--device | -d

Select the detached device to remove from the Detached Device List.


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storage core device partition list For a given device list all of the partitions

--device | -d

Filter the output to a specific device.


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storage core device partition showguid For a given device list the GUID for GPT partitions

--device | -d

Filter the output to a specific device.


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storage core device physical get Get information about a physical storage device.

--device | -d

Specify a device name. (required)


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storage core device raid list List the physical devices that compose a given logical device.

--device | -d

Specify a device name. (required)


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storage core device smart get List Smart device parameters.

--device-name | -d

The Smart device name (required)


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storage core device stats get List the SCSI stats for SCSI Devices in the system.

--device | -d

Limit the stats output to one specific device. This device name can be any of the UIDs the device reports.


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storage core device vaai status get List VAAI properties for devices currently registered with the PSA.

--device | -d

Filter the output of this command to only show a single device.


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storage core device vaai status set Enable/Disable VAAI operations on local SCSI disks. (NOTE: A request to enable an operation will take effect only if the underlying device supports the VAAI operation.)

--ats | -A

Enable or Disable ATS operation (1/0)

--clone | -C

Enable or Disable CLONE operation (1/0)

--delete | -D

Enable or Disable DELETE operation (1/0)

--device | -d

The device upon which to operate (NAA ID). (required)

--zero | -Z

Enable or Disable ZERO operation (1/0)


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storage core device world list Get a list of the worlds that are currently using devices on the ESX host.

--device | -d

Filter the output of the command to limit the output to a specific device. This device name can be any of the UIDs registered for a device.


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storage core path list List all the SCSI paths on the system.

--device | -d

Limit the output to paths to a specific device. This name can be any of the UIDs for a specific device.

--path | -p

Limit the output to a specific path. This name can be either the UID or the runtime name of the path.


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storage core path set Provide control to allow a user to modify a single path's state. This effectively allows a user to enable or disable SCSI paths. The user is not able to change the full range of path states but can toggle between 'active' and 'off'. Please NOTE changing the Path state on any path that is the only path to a given device is likely to fail. The VMkernel will not change the path's state if changing the state would cause an 'All paths down' state, or the device is currently in use.

--path | -p

Select the path to set path state on. This can be a Runtime Name or Path UID (required)


Set the SCSI path state for the specific path given. Valid values are : active: Set the path's state to active. This may be immediately changed by the system to another state if the active state is not appropriate. off: Administratively disable this path. (required)


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storage core path stats get List the SCSI stats for the SCSI Paths in the system.

--path | -p

Limit the stats output to one specific path. This path name can be the runtime name or the path UID.


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storage core plugin list List loaded PSA plugins on the system.

--plugin-class | -N

Indicate the class of plugin to limit the list to. Allowed values are:

Filter: Filter plugins

MP: MultiPathing plugins

VAAI: VAAI plugins

all: All PSA Plugins (default)


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storage core plugin registration add Register a plugin module with PSA.

--dependencies | -d

Add the [optional] dependencies for this module to loaded.

--full-path | -I

Add the [optional] full path to this module.

--module-name | -m

Select the module name to be registered (required)

--plugin-class | -N

Indicate the class of plugin to register. Allowed values are MP, VAAI or MPP defined sub-plugins like PSP, SATP. (required)

--plugin-name | -P

Select the plugin name to be registered (required)


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storage core plugin registration list List modules currently registered with PSA.

--module-name | -m

Filter the output of this command to only show a single module.

--plugin-class | -N

Indicate the class of plugin to list. Allowed values are MP, VAAI or MPP defined sub-plugins like PSP, SATP.


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storage core plugin registration remove UnRegister a plugin module with PSA.

--module-name | -m

Select the module name to be unregistered (required)


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storage filesystem automount Request mounting of known datastores not explicitly unmounted.


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storage filesystem list List the volumes available to the host. This includes VMFS, NAS, VFAT, and UFS partitions.

--ignore-errors | -i

Ignore errors encountered (if any) while retrieving information for each file system.


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storage filesystem mount Connect to and mount an unmounted volume on the ESX host.

--no-persist | -n

Mount the volume non-persistently; the volume will not be mounted after a restart.

--volume-label | -l

The label of the volume to mount. This volume must be unmounted for this operation to succeed.

--volume-uuid | -u

The UUID of the VMFS filesystem to mount. This volume must be unmounted for this operation to succeed.


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storage filesystem rescan Scan storage devices for new mountable filesystems.


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storage filesystem unmount Disconnect and unmount and existing VMFS or NAS volume. This will not delete the configuration for the volume but will remove the volume from the list of mounted volumes.

--no-persist | -n

Unmount the volume non-persistently; the volume will be automounted after a restart.

--volume-label | -l

The label of the volume to unmount.

--volume-path | -p

The path of the volume to unmount.

--volume-uuid | -u

The uuid of the volume to unmount.


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storage iofilter enable Enable an iofilter.

--filter | -f

Name of the io filter. (required)


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storage iofilter list List the iofilters installed on this host.

--filter | -f

Filter the output of this command to only show a single io filter.


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storage nfs add Add a new NAS volume to the ESX Host and mount it with the given volume name.

--host | -H

The hostname or IP address of the NAS volume to add and mount on the system. (required)

--ispe | -p

If set this flag will set the mount point to be PE.

--readonly | -r

If set this flag will set the mount point to be read-only.

--share | -s

The share name on the remote system to use for this NAS mount point. (required)

--volume-name | -v

The volume name to use for the NAS mount. This must be a unique volume name and cannot conflict with existing NAS, VMFS or other volume names. (required)


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storage nfs list List the NAS volumes currently known to the ESX host.

--pe-only | -p

Filter the output to only show VVol PE volumes.


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storage nfs remove Remove an existing NAS volume from the ESX host.

--volume-name | -v

The volume name of the NAS volume to remove from the ESX host. (required)


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storage nfs param get Get the volume parameters of the NAS volumes.

--volume-name | -v

NAS volume name ("all" to list all). (required)


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storage nfs param set Set the volume parameters of the NAS volumes.

--maxqueuedepth | -q

The maximum queue depth for the NAS volume.

--volume-name | -v

The NAS volume name. (required)


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storage nfs41 add Add a new NFS v4.1 volume to the ESX Host and mount it with the given volume name.

--hosts | -H

The hostname(s) or IP address(es) (comma-separated) of the server for the NFS v4.1 volume to add and mount on the system. (required)

--readonly | -r

If set, this flag will make the mount point be read-only.

--sec | -a

Security flavors. Acceptable values are: [AUTH_SYS, SEC_KRB5].

--share | -s

The share name on the remote system to use for this NFS v4.1 mount point. (required)

--volume-name | -v

The volume name to use for the NFS v4.1 mount. This must be a unique volume name and cannot conflict with existing NAS, NFS v4.1, VMFS, or other volume names. (required)


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storage nfs41 list List the NFS v4.1 volumes currently known to the ESX host.

--pe-only | -p

Filter the output to only show VVol PE Volumes


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storage nfs41 remove Remove an existing NFS v4.1 volume from the ESX host.

--volume-name | -v

The volume name of the NFS v4.1 volume to remove from the ESX host. (required)


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storage nfs41 param get Get the volume parameters of the NFS v4.1 volumes.

--volume-name | -v

NFS v4.1 volume name ("all" to list all). (required)


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storage nfs41 param set Set the volume parameters of the NFS v4.1 volumes.

--maxqueuedepth | -q

The maximum queue depth for the NFS v4.1 volume.

--volume-name | -v

The NFS v4.1 volume name. (required)


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storage nmp device list List the devices currently controlled by the VMware NMP Multipath Plugin and show the SATP and PSP information associated with that device.

--device | -d

Filter the output of this command to only show a single device.


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storage nmp device set Allow setting of the Path Selection Policy (PSP) for the given device to one of the loaded policies on the system.

--default | -E

The Path selection policy is set back to the default for the assigned SATP for this device.

--device | -d

The device you wish to set the Path Selection Policy for. (required)

--psp | -P

The Path selection policy you wish to assign to the given device.


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storage nmp path list List the paths currently claimed by the VMware NMP Multipath Plugin and show the SATP and PSP information associated with that path.

--device | -d

Filter the output of this command to only show paths to a single device.

--path | -p

Filter the output of this command to only show a single path.


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storage nmp psp list List the Path Selection Plugins (PSP) that are currently loaded into the NMP system and display information about those PSPs


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storage nmp psp fixed deviceconfig get Allow retrieving of Fixed Path Selection Policy settings for a given device.

--device | -d

The device you wish to get the Preferred path for. (required)


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storage nmp psp fixed deviceconfig set Allow setting of the perferred path on a given device controlled by the Fixed Path Selection Policy.

--cfgfile | -g

Update the config file and runtime with the new setting. In case device is claimed by another PSP, ignore any errors when applying to runtime configuration.

--default | -E

Clear the preferred path selection for the given device.

--device | -d

The device you wish to set the preferred path for. This device must be controlled by the Fixed Path Selection Policy (except when -g is specified) (required)

--path | -p

The path you wish to set as the preferred path for the given device.


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storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig get Allow retrieving of per device PSP configuration parameters.

--device | -d

The device you wish to get PSP configuration for. (required)


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storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig set Allow setting of per device PSP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given device with whichever PSP it is currently configured with.

--cfgfile | -g

Update the config file and runtime with the new setting. In case device is claimed by another PSP, ignore any errors when applying to runtime configuration.

--config | -c

The configuration string you wish to set. (required)

--device | -d

The device you wish to set PSP configuration for. (required)


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storage nmp psp generic pathconfig get Allow retrieving of per path PSP configuration parameters.

--path | -p

The path you wish to get PSP configuration for. (required)


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storage nmp psp generic pathconfig set Allow setting of per path PSP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given path with whichever PSP it is currently configured with.

--cfgfile | -g

Update the config file and runtime with the new setting. In case device is claimed by another PSP, ignore any errors when applying to runtime configuration.

--config | -c

The configuration string you wish to set. (required)

--path | -p

The path you wish to set PSP configuration for. (required)


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storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig get Allow retrieving of Round Robin Path Selection Policy settings for a given device.

--device | -d

The device you wish to get the Round Robin properties for. (required)


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storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set Allow setting of the Round Robin path options on a given device controlled by the Round Robin Selection Policy.

--bytes | -B

When the --type option is set to 'bytes' this is the value that will be assigned to the byte limit value for this device.

--cfgfile | -g

Update the config file and runtime with the new setting. In case device is claimed by another PSP, ignore any errors when applying to runtime configuration.

--device | -d

The device you wish to set the Round Robin settings for. This device must be controlled by the Round Robin Path Selection Policy(except when -g is specified) (required)

--iops | -I

When the --type option is set to 'iops' this is the value that will be assigned to the I/O operation limit value for this device.

--type | -t

Set the type of the Round Robin path switching that should be enabled for this device. Valid values for type are: bytes: Set the trigger for path switching based on the number of bytes sent down a path. default: Set the trigger for path switching back to default values. iops: Set the trigger for path switching based on the number of I/O operations on a path.

--useano | -U

Set useano to true,to also include non-optimized paths in the set of active paths used to issue I/Os on this device, otherwise set it to false


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storage nmp satp list List the Storage Array Type Plugins (SATP) that are currently loaded into the NMP system and display information about those SATPs


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storage nmp satp set Set the default Path Selection Policy for a given Storage Array Type Plugin (SATP).

--boot | -b

This is a system default rule added at boot time. Do not modify esx.conf or add to host profile.

--default-psp | -P

The default path selection policy to set for a given --satp (required)

--satp | -s

The SATP name for the Storage Array Type Plugin on which this command will operate. (required)


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storage nmp satp generic deviceconfig get Allow retrieving of per device SATP configuration parameters.

--device | -d

The device you wish to get SATP configuration. (required)

--exclude-tpg-info | -e

Exclude TPG info from the device's SATP configuration.


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storage nmp satp generic deviceconfig set Allow setting of per device SATP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given device with whichever SATP it is currently configured with.

--config | -c

The configuration string you wish to set. (required)

--device | -d

The device you wish to set SATP configuration.


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storage nmp satp generic pathconfig get Allow retrieving of per path SATP configuration parameters.

--path | -p

The path you wish to get SATP configuration for. (required)


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storage nmp satp generic pathconfig set Allow setting of per path SATP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given path with whichever SATP it is currently configured with.

--config | -c

The configuration string you wish to set. (required)

--path | -p

The path you wish to set SATP configuration for. (required)


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